At myhealthcheckup our primary goal is to help each individual attain the best possible physical and mental health throughout their life.
To accomplish this goal, we draw on the scientific expertise and clinical experience of our health professionals from the McGill Comprehensive Health Improvement Program (CHIP) to educate, engage, and enable individuals to live healthy, happy, and productive lives for as long as possible.
The myhealthcheckup web-based programs that form the cornerstone of our health promotion services are based on the best scientific evidence available to maximize the probability of success for each participant.
Our primary goal is to help each individual attain the best possible physical and mental health throughout their life.
We draw on the scientific expertise and clinical experience of our health professionals from the McGill Comprehensive Health Improvement Program (CHIP) to educate, engage, and enable individuals to live healthy, happy, and productive lives for as long as possible.
Our online programs are based on the best scientific evidence available to maximize the probability of success for each participant.
Our primary goal is to help each individual attain the best possible physical and mental health throughout their life.
Evaluate your overall health and see the long-term benefits of making healthy lifestyle changes.

- The myhealthcheckup (MHC) scientifically validated disease simulation models evaluate the overall health of each individual and compute the long-term benefits of making healthy lifestyle changes.
- This comprehensive evaluation can help engage and motivate individuals to optimize their current health status and reduce the risk of future illness.
- The results of each assessment are saved so that tracking progress over time is easy and informative.
Get access to evidence-based educational modules, tips, newsletters, recommendations tested with real patients and shown to actually work.

- The evidence-based MHC Healthy Lifestyle Program has been developed by researchers and clinicians from the McGill Comprehensive Health Improvement Program.
- We focus only on lifestyle changes that have been proven in published studies to make a real difference.
- The program has also been tested with real patients and shown to actually work.
- Informative quizzes are also provided to make learning fun.
- Optional e-newsletters and quick health tips are also available.
Participate in individual or team based wellness challenges, have fun and feel better.

- Making healthy changes should be fun.
- Individual and team based wellness challenges are tailored to the needs of each individual.
- Challenges can be adapted to the workplace to engage employees in a unique program that reflects their corporate culture.
- Our published results demonstrate increased physical activity, healthy eating and weight management, improved sleep quality and stress reduction.
- Unsurpassed participation rates result in measurable improvements in health.
- The fully integrated program provides outstanding statistics and reporting.
Latest News
Positive Workplace Wellness Results Published in Canada
Great workplace wellness results have just been published demonstrating the 1-year results of a program that our group developed with Merck Canada.
The most impressive study to date in a Canadian setting. Results for the second year have already been submitted for publication.
myhealthcheckup is the platform that powered this study.
Read a summary of the study here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29200188
Recognizing Merck Canada
We congratulate the team at Merck Canada for being recognized by the National Business Group on Health in the USA for the development of the 'LIVE IT' program in Canada to support employee wellness.
Only three companies outside of the USA received an award and Merck Canada was the only Canadian company.
The 'LIVE IT' employee wellness program was developed by Merck Canada in partnership with the development team from MyHealthCheckup.com and nvigorus.com
WASHINGTON, DC, September 27, 2017 – The National Business Group on Health last night recognized employers for having the best workforce health and well-being programs in the nation.
Now in its 13th year, the Best Employers for Healthy Lifestyles® awards recognize employers with exceptional commitment to improving their employees' physical
and emotional health and well-being, productivity and overall quality of life. The awards program incorporates a wide range of well-being contributors including
job satisfaction, community involvement, financial security, emotional health and social connectedness.
myhealthcheckup Results: First year findings from the Merck Canada Live It program presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Montreal on October 24, 2016
Over 20,000 Canadians calculated their Cardiovascular Age in Heart Health Month!
Key highlights from the Canadian Navy's myhealthcheckup program presented at the Canadian Institute for Military & Veteran Health Research Conference.
The Center for Disease Control recommends that Americans know their Heart Age
Click here for more details.
myhealthcheckup Results:
The wellness program with Canadian Forces Base Halifax
Click here for the story.
Click here
for the results.
myhealthcheckup 2014 Results to be Presented at June Conferences
On June 2nd 2015, researchers from the myhealthcheckup team will be presenting the findings from three of our innovative
programs. Significant results from Canadian Forces Base Halifax, Merck Canada, and Shoppers Drug Mart will be highlighted
at two conferences in Toronto.
Click here for more details.
Results from the Canadian Navy’s myhealthcheckup program at CFB Halifax presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Vancouver on October 26, 2014.
Military personnel were invited to participate in multiple 4-12 week, web-based physical activity and healthy weight challenges. The average user accessed the website 42 times. Significant clinical improvements were observed for a variety of health measures including sedentary behaviour, blood pressure, weight, poor sleep, stress, and physical fatigue.
The myhealthcheckup Cardiometabolic Age
The myhealthcheckup Cardiometabolic Age Model goes live at cardiometabolicage.com with funding from the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR).
Results of the Shoppers Drug Mart Cardiovascular Age Risk program presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Vancouver on October 27, 2014.
Among 10,120 individuals treated for dyslipidemia, optimal adherence with daily lipid medication during the previous month was reported by 72%, while 28% had missed taking medication on at least one day or discontinued completely. When asked to identify their current action plan to reduce their cardiovascular risk, the most frequently mentioned goals were increasing physical activity (72%) and losing weight (71%).
Results from the Canadian Navy’s weight loss program at CFB Halifax presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Vancouver on October 26, 2014.
We evaluated the effectiveness of a web-based weight loss program that promoted increased physical activity, healthy eating, and Low-Glycemic Index energy bars to replace a daily meal. Among the 67 participants who started, the average weight loss over 4 weeks was 2.6lbs, ranging from + 6lbs to -15lbs. Twenty people lost over 5 pounds and there was a significant (p=0.005) dose-response where more frequent use of the site was positively associated with greater weight loss.